AcroYoga Teacher Training Pre Requisites

We ask that Teacher Trainees invest significantly in their personal AcroYoga practice before applying to become a Teacher. We believe deeply that embodied wisdom is crucial to safe and effective teaching. This means we expect you to:

  • Pay your 1000 euro deposit to unlock theĀ Ā All Access PassĀ to the AcroYoga Course LibraryĀ (This purchase will serve as a deposit towards your AYI TT.)
  • Complete the Move, Connect, Play Foundation CourseĀ (included inĀ the All Access Pass)
  • Print out and complete the MCP workbook
  • Have practiced AcroYoga for at least one year
  • Have completed over 50 hours training in yoga
  • Have completed over 50 hours training in acrobatics (can include hours of AYI Solar Immersions)
  • Have completed over 50 hours training in a healing modality (can include hours of AYI Lunar Immersion, Thai massage, table massage, chair massage, etc.)
  • Have taken classes with a certified AYI Teacher who can provide a recommendation
  • Have taught someone (anyone!) AcroYoga

Recommended Ongoing Training:

  • 1 minute free headstand (if your neck agrees)
  • 30-60 seconds handstand against the wall or free
  • 5-10 of each with good form; push ups, down dog push-ups, v-ups & hollow body rocks
  • Base & Fly Levels 1 & 2 of all Therapeutic Flying Flows (See Lunar Course)
  • Comfortable with Supine Level 1 Flow (See Lunar Course)
  • Have completed and deeply understand the details of the Move, Connect, Play Foundation Course
  • Complete any other Online Courses in the AYI Library as recommended by mentor

--->Ā Check out this video for a visual of some of the pre-reqs:Ā

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